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Ferdinand Helm_Porträt

Job Profile – IT Manager at Juvigo

Ferdinand Helm_Porträt

I am Ferdi, head of IT at Juvigo.

In my free time I play the piano and violin and I love to travel, which explains my interest in the tourism industry.

How did you start working at Juvigo and how long have you been there?

Back in 2015, I met Björn through a mutual friend and learned about his idea for Juvigo. In the same year, we started with the implementation and built Juvigo together step by step. Now I focus mainly on everything technical that comes up at Juvigo, from our database to our internal administration software to the website.

In which programming language is Juvigo written?

Juvigo is a ReactJS application, with an SQL database running in the background. Our APIs are written in Java and this magazine is a WordPress site. We are currently building automatic test suites for all applications, which will make our applications even more stable and simplify programming and maintenance.

Of course, the whole thing runs on a Linux server. Everyone in IT is also free to choose their personal OS. At the moment, about half of us work with Linux and the other half with macOS.

What should applicants be able to do if they would also like to work in the IT department at Juvigo?

Most definitely a lot of experience in programming! As our code includes not only the public website but also all our internal administration software, our code is quite extensive. It is very important to me that every member of our IT knows all areas of our software and also of our team. Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight, but the more you have seen of other areas of work, the better the applications you program in your own field. Therefore, every applicant should also be open to learning a lot of new things.

What does a typical working day look like for you?

There is no such thing as a typical working day in IT. I usually work with my colleagues on new features for our website or our internal customer management. In between, I fix one or two bugs that someone in the team discovers. Generally, everyone has a larger main project and makes smaller improvements to our pages on the side.

A big part of our work is a weekly IT meeting where everyone in the Juvigo team contributes and discusses ideas and suggestions for improvement. Almost all ideas then end up on the to-do list for me or my colleagues in IT.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Hard to say, there is hardly anything I don’t like! Above all, I love to create and implement new designs and UIs (user interfaces) – for internal or external purposes.

What do you enjoy least about your work?

Fixing bugs can sometimes be a bit annoying. Even in the most stable software, you occasionally find some that sometimes remained undiscovered for years. Especially minor errors that occur only very rarely and in the most illogical places are sometimes stubborn to fix.

Do you feel comfortable at Juvigo?

Very much! We have grown from two to 40 people and yet the working atmosphere is very informal. I love coming to the office every day!

Who would you recommend to start a job at Juvigo?

In our team, we are all summer camp kids who have grown up, but in IT, of course, we are also technology geeks. We therefore love to bring these two areas together. Since our industry is not yet very digitised, we in IT often have to be creative and come up with completely new approaches to constantly improve our customer advice and cooperation with our partners. After all, in the end, our main goal remains to give every child the perfect holiday. If that’s what you’re after, Juvigo is definitely the right place for you!

You can find more job profiles, for example of our trainees, here.

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